Integrations Tips and Tricks

Permission Set for running Autotask

Permission Set for running Autotask

Written by Claus Petersen
Updated 4 months ago
Written by Claus Petersen
Updated 1 year ago

Setup field mapping betwen Autotaks And Business Central

Autotask Business Central Field mapping Ver 1

How to do Autotask Business Central field mapping

Written by Claus Petersen
Updated 1 year ago

Convert Data from AT to BC and BC to AT

How to converet AT values into BC - and BC data into AT - format/values Ver 2

Written by Claus Petersen
Updated 1 year ago

Setup API User

How en enable Webhooks

Make a API user enable to user/create Webhooks

Written by Claus Petersen
Updated 10 months ago

How to create a Autotask API user

How to create a Autotask API user

Written by Claus Petersen
Updated 1 year ago

UPS something seems not right

Did you get the invoice posted in Autotask

How to check Invoice at posted in Autotask

Written by Claus Petersen
Updated 1 year ago

Country code disapere in BC

When you Sync from AT to BC the country code blanks

Written by Claus Petersen
Updated 1 year ago

Tickets creation from BC to Autotask

Setup in Tickets Category

How setup a ticket to work with BC

Written by Claus Petersen
Updated 1 year ago

Additional articles

Written by Claus Petersen
Updated 1 year ago