How setup Business Central connection to Azure App registration

How setup Business Central connection to Azure App registration
Written by Claus Petersen
Updated 9 months ago

Setup in Nettailer

In Nettailer setup some informationen must be added for connect to Business Central and a websevice must be created in BC

Here are the fields in Nettailer you must apply informations and below is the How To

1. For the URL . Create a new Webservice in BC as showen, and copy the Blue into Nettailer 1.

2.  Copy value from here and add to Nettailer 2.

3. Copy Application (client) ID into 3 in Nettailer

4. Add Secret to 4

Add  the Secret you have  created, make a copy and add

to Nettalier 4

5. For Saas set use this link in Scope, for on prim this URL is different

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