How setup Business Central connection to Azure App registration

How setup Business Central connection to Azure App registration
Written by Claus Petersen
Updated 11 months ago

Setup in Nettailer

In Nettailer setup some informationen must be added for connect to Business Central and a websevice must be created in BC

Here are the fields in Nettailer you must apply informations and below is the How To

1. For the URL . Create a new Webservice in BC as showen, and copy the Blue into Nettailer 1.

2.  Copy value from here and add to Nettailer 2.

3. Copy Application (client) ID into 3 in Nettailer

4. Add Secret to 4

Add  the Secret you have  created, make a copy and add

to Nettalier 4

5. For Saas set use this link in Scope, for on prim this URL is different

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